Composites, Alloys & Energy Storage
Thane Bauz has patent litigation and portfolio-related experience concerning composites, alloys and energy storage. He defended companies facing multi-patent assertions involving metals, such as Nickel-metal hydride used for energy storage, including at trial. He also defended companies that design and fabricate ICs. He licensed patents relating to carbon-fibre/epoxy laminates. Managing a team of five subject matter experts, Thane identified a dozen processing patents valued at $500M. Representative clients include Sanyo, Spansion, McDonnell Douglas and Samsung.
Representative Materials and Fabrication Litigation Engagements:
Omnivision Technology v. Photobit Corp.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Retained in a multi-patent action relating to substrate design of CMOS sensors, associated amplifiers and signal chain circuitry. The case settled favorably soon after dispositive motions were filed.
The Boeing Company v. United States
U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Counsel on a patent case concerning liability and damages associated with use of aluminum lithium alloys on the space shuttle. Prevailed at trial and on appeal to the Federal Circuit.
Affymetrix Inc. v. Synteni Inc. et al.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Engaged in a multi-patent case involving photolithography used to fabricate gene-chips. The case settled on favorable terms after the decisions on motions for summary judgment.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd v. Sandisk Corp.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Represented manufacturer of flash memory ICs in multi-patent case. The case settled on undisclosed terms.
Graychip Inc. v. Watkins-Johnson Co.
Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara
Engaged to represent designer of IC layouts for use in cellular base station transmitters and receivers. The case settled on highly favorable terms after successfully moving for production of “smoking gun” documents.